Bev’s Drivers and Companions Sign-Up

Jan 7, 2016 | Blog

An important note. Please spread the word:


I am writing to invite you to attend an “Update Meeting” regarding our dear friend Bev. As many of you may have attended Bev’s “Coming Out” meeting in 2006 when she courageously decided to educate others about her diagnosis with Huntington’s Disease, or have attended one of the BHHDF events, there have been many changes and updates to Bev’s condition we would like to share with you.

The Hartigs are graciously inviting anyone interested in learning more about Bev’s continuous battle with HD into their home this Sunday January 10th at 5:00pm. In effort to be efficient and courteous of time, we would encourage you to think about any questions/concerns you may have ahead of time and email them to Kristy Busack at

Please forward this on to anyone we may have missed.
Thank you,
Kristy Busack & The Hartig Family